Radio Properties
Home Page
Radio Properties is an Authorized Kenwood Service Station.

Our Technical Staff have decades of all brand Land Mobile Radio experience, which include service to all the popular radio names such as, Motorola, GE, Icom, Relm, Collins, Vertex-Standard, Neutec, Uniden and more.

Each Technical Service Representative has a directly related formal education in electronics, supplemental to an extensive experience history.
What's New
About Us

1) Board level repair and alignment.

2) System Proof of Preformance.

3) Modifications and reverse engineering.

4) Firmware and software updates, Radio Programming.
(which include Eprom and EEprom chip programming).

5) Complex Transmit and Receive antennna systems.
(Duplexer*, Cavity, Hybrid, Combiner and filter alignment).

6) Equipment Installation.

7) Legacy Service for non-Kenwood Equipment
(We repair most brands!).

8) Part Sales. (We stock many hard to find parts).

9) Amplifier Repair and construction (Specialists in Solid-State and Tube Amplifier repair & service.).

10) 24 Hour Emergency Service available.
Customer Service
Technical Support
(707) 678-4187
Skipp May: Sales and Technical Support.
Abbey Poudles: Office Supervisor
Best no-appointement, walk in service and phone shop hours are 5-9 PM PST